
Savings Reserve Common Sense

Markle FinancialMarkle Financial Savings Reserve Common Sense

Savings Reserve Common Sense

Imagine your savings account as a safety net, a financial cushion that can protect you from unexpected expenses or income disruptions. But how much should you have in this safety net? It really depends on your stage of life and your expenses. Generally, a good rule of thumb is to have anywhere from three to six months of your expenses, not necessarily your income.

So let’s say, for example, you make $10,000 a month as a household, and you’re saving about $3,000 a month. That would result in $7,000 of expenses. So a good rule of thumb is anywhere from $21,000 to $42,000 that you would keep in your savings.

This would be to cover the unexpected things. You need to replace a vehicle, your house water heater goes out, or maybe you lose your job. It allows you flexibility, so you’re not running to the first job that you find, and it allows you time to really search for the job that you actually want.

Need help determining how much savings reserve to keep? Reach out to us at 307-721-1725 and we can help you determine what makes sense for you.

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